Top Ten Attitudes of Health and Fitness

I have a unique opportunity to work with many types of people. This gives me the opportunity to observe different fitness attitudes. It is this attitude towards nutrition , health and exercise showing how people engage in physical activity. I will share the top ten list of attitudes with you.

Attitude is the number one intentions . This person is always , " Fie " exercise . They talk , they put on their calendar , but for some reason they are never there for her. This person may use an accountability group or partner. All they need is someone to keep their commitments and keep them on track .

Attitude Number two is the Creator of guilt. This user is able to exercise and eat better, but just can not seem to get to . That lack of motivation or low energy , have trouble with reality to begin with, and this makes them feel very guilty whenever they do what they think they "should" be done. Instead , they often end up doing exactly what they want .

Attitude is the number three Socialize . This person is manifest in healthy activity happens , but only in the joints when they have a companion to talk to. They love being around other people and see the other participants in the activity. They are interested in healthy living, but do not always have the time to participate unless it becomes a social occasion.

Number four is the apathetic attitude. These people understand what it takes to be healthy and fit, but they do not care about him. They are comfortable where they are and see no need for change. It is a state of mind difficult to change . Apathy is a major event in the life altering .

Attitude is number five under duress. You've seen these people. They make their health, but they are not happy about it . Chances are a doctor or your spouse has told them they have to do. They put their time, but often lack brilliant results. Because your heart is not in it, receive less endorphin release and tend not to push your intensity .

Attitude is the hedonistic number six. You will not see the exercise , sports or make healthy food choices. They live for the pleasure of the moment, without thinking of the consequences in the future. No temporary pain for long term gain here . If it feels good , do it! This is their motto . They do not feel guilty about their bad decisions. Lifestyle pleasures of short-term and that is reflected in the way they look and feel kiss .

Enthusiastic attitude is number seven . This is the person who loves to exercise and make it part of your lifestyle . They feel better after a workout and are convinced to make healthy choices. In the exercise seems comfortable and the region . Healthy choices are not difficult for fans to enjoy.

Attitude is number eight fasting. That person to make healthier choices if they knew . There is a great potential for this attitude. With the right instruction can become a fan .

Attitude is number nine Addict. This person goes beyond enthusiasm for fitness and crossed the line into addiction. They actually have a constraint to exercise and follow a diet often very complex. It goes beyond the normal enjoyment of healthy living when the person feels distress if unable to continue their routines.

Number ten Attitude of hope, but devastated. These people enjoy fitness and healthy lifestyle, but are not always able to go ahead due to multiple responsibilities and deadlines. For that person , it is not impossible to eat healthy and exercise , but it is a major stretch . They must make a commitment , then plan ahead to make sure they can do what they need to do.

All these attitudes have described me different times. However, the number ten is the most frequent case . I love to be amateur, but at this point , I 'm not quite there . You can probably see yourself in one or more of these attitudes too .

Whatever your attitude, do not forget you have a choice. Choosing to do the right thing, even if their feelings and circumstances are not aligned. After all, attitude is a choice.

"Questions Wellness " Article Series by Lisa Schilling RN, CPT
Speaker , Writer , Wellness Coach & Consultant

Lisa is the author of "The Get Real Guide to Health and Fitness . " She is a wife and mother of three children. Lisa Schilling is a registered trademark , copyright and competition queen recovery nurse who hope that their welfare Get real differences approach. It allows women , caregivers and groups to unleash their potential and help them see their true beauty and discover their real value.

She feels passionate about sharing their knowledge and time to help others improve their health and well-being. Lisa uses her enthusiasm to teach people to appreciate and understand who they are. She helps people build a bridge from where they are, where they want to be.